Most style guides, which lay out the norms for how industries including book publishers, newspapers and academics write, have made the switch to favor a single space between sentences. Two spaces after a period is not incorrect - nor is it correct. Is a double space after a period actually incorrect? The update is included with the premium version of the company’s new Editor, a browser extension and new Word feature that makes spelling, grammar and style suggestions akin to tools like Grammarly and ProWritingAid. Word will now flag two spaces after a period with that dreaded Spellcheck-style squiggly line and suggest a single space to replace it, The Verge reports. Its verdict? Two spaces after a period is out. Maybe this will snuff the flames on this decades-old dumpster fire: Microsoft Word, that powerhouse in word processing, has finally weighed in on the great space debate.
I know you’re duty-bound as a wordsmith to engage in a raging debate about sentence spacing now that I’ve brought it up. Sorry for derailing your day and that of the poor non-writers in your household. Do you use one or two spaces after a period?